Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Rastatt Favorite Palace
A „porcelain palace“ to rival any in Europe
Rastatt Favorite Palace, entire site
Find out more about the porcelain palace
Rastatt Favorite Palace, porcelain in the hall of mirrors
Marvel at the sumptuous furnishings
Rastatt Favorite Palace, man and woman in costume in the Sala Terrena
Delve into the world of Baroque

A „porcelain palace“ to rival any in EuropeRastatt Favorite Palace

Rastatt Favorite Palace (Schloss Favorite Rastatt) is the oldest German "porcelain palace" and the only one to survive almost unchanged to this day. Its opulent interiors, extensive collections and idyllic setting lend it Europewide significance.


Hearth in the open kitchen, Rastatt Favorite Palace
The open kitchenA hearth without a fire
The open kitchen - A hearth without a fire
Pietra dura panel of a horse in the Florentine cabinet, Favorite Palace
The Florentine cabinetStone panels from Florence
The Florentine cabinet - Stone panels from Florence
Pebbles on the exterior facade, Rastatt Favorite Palace.
A facade of pebblesCreating the exterior wall
A facade of pebbles - Creating the exterior wall
Rastatt Favorite Palace.
The trees of the palace gardenStrolling past giants
The trees of the palace garden - Strolling past giants
Costume portrait, originally hung in the hall of mirrors at Rastatt Favorite Palace
The costume portraitsA masked margravine
The costume portraits - A masked margravine
A Loukong tea set from Sibylla Augusta’s porcelain collection, Favorite Palace
Porcelain and glassSibylla Augusta’s unique collections
Porcelain and glass - Sibylla Augusta’s unique collections
Delft-style tiles in the sala terrena, Rastatt Favorite Palace
The sala terrenaDelft-style glazed earthenware tiles
The sala terrena - Delft-style glazed earthenware tiles
View of the margravine's bedroom, Rastatt Favorite Palace
The margravine's bedroomLuxurious fabrics and Bohemian glass
The margravine's bedroom - Luxurious fabrics and Bohemian glass
The hermitage in the palace garden, Rastatt Favorite Palace
The hermitageThe hermitage and the Magdalena Chapel
The hermitage - The hermitage and the Magdalena Chapel
Ceiling in the hall of mirrors, Rastatt Favorite Palace
The hall of mirrorsOne of the most luxurious rooms
The hall of mirrors - One of the most luxurious rooms


If you want to see Baden-Württemberg at its most beautiful, visit the many palaces and gardens run by the state heritage agency, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. How about a perfectly-preserved monastery complex, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Maulbronn? Or there are Heidelberg's world-famous ruins. And there's much, much more.