Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Rastatt Favorite Palace
A „porcelain palace“ to rival any in Europe

Visitor information

Opening times

Favorite Palace

May only be viewed as part of a guided tour.

1st april to 30th september

Tue., Wed., Thu.
11:00 am - 05:00 pm
Last admission at 4pm
Fri., Sat., Sun., Holiday
10:00 am - 05:00 pm
Last admission at 4pm

1st october to 31th october

Tue. - Sun., Holiday
11:00 am - 04:00 pm
Last admission at 3pm

Castle garden

open all day / freely accessible during the day

Guided tours

Guided tours in German: Palace

1st April to 30th September

Tue - Thu hourly 11.00 am – 4.00 pm
Fr - Sun and public holidays hourly 10.00 am – 4.00 pm

Guided tours in German (with translation text).

1st October to 31th October

Tue - Sun and public holidays hourly 11.00 am – 3.00 pm

Guided tours in German (with translation text).

Group tours and tours through the Eremitage (Hermitage), by arrangement.

Group tours in other languages upon request (please call in advance).


Palace (guided tour)

Adults 10,00 €
Reduced 5,00 €
Family 25,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 9,00 €

Combined Ticket

Adults 16,00 €
Reduced 8,00 €
Family 40,00 €
Groups of 20 or more per person 14,40 €

The combined ticket includes Favorite Palace, Rastatt Residential Palace (Belétage) and Military History Museum.

Hermitage (chapel)

Adults 5,00 €
Reduced 2,50 €
Family 12,50 €
Groups of 12 or more per person 4,50 €

Disability access

Information is available at Disability access

How to find us

Journey description


Rastatt Favorite Palace
Am Schloss Favorite 1
76437 Rastatt-Förch, Germany

Getting there

By public transport: from the centre of Rastatt, take bus line 241 to the stop Förch.

Contact us

Rastatt Favorite Palace

Am Schloss Favorite
576437 Rastatt-Förch

Contact form

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