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3 results

Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Arnim Weischer
JPG, 2600x2650 Pxl, 0.92 MB
Rastatt Favorite Palace | Exteriors Rastatt Favorite Palace
A „porcelain palace“ to rival any in Europe
Foto: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Niels Schubert
JPG, 2600x1730 Pxl, 0.41 MB
Rastatt Favorite Palace | Interiors A young visitor
Precious even to the smallest detail: The Florentine cabinet is a stunning sight.
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Martine Beck Coppola
JPG, 2325x1733 Pxl, 0.59 MB
Rastatt Favorite Palace | Details Porcelain Collection
Unsurpassed: The margravine’s porcelain collection; It has belonged to Favorite for 300 years.